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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is the process to enter the apprenticeship program?

A. The full process to enter the ABC Alaska apprenticeship program is as follows:

1. Apply using our application - Apprentice Application
(All required documents must be present to progress to the next step. Once the application is received and fully processed you will receive an email with links to set up your interview and pay the $50 application fee. Veterans are exempt from this fee.)

2. Interview
(All applicants must go through the interview process with ABC Alaska regardless of if they have already been placed with a member company.)

3. Applicant Status
(A person reaches applicant status after they have gone through the application and interview processes. At this time your resume may be sent out to potential employers, as they send in requests to ABC Alaska, or you can start looking for work as well on your own.)

3. Enrollment
(Once you are hired on with a member company you will go through the enrollment process with ABC Alaska to start your apprenticeship program.  This is where you will sign your enrollment documents and receive instructions regarding work reports, bookwork, and if applicable information about your Certificate of Fitness.)

Q. What are the documents I need to provide?

  • Valid Driver's License or State ID
  • Social Security Card or Valid eligibility document from the ICE
  • Official Driving Record from the state issuing the driver's license (no more than 30 days old)
  • High School Graduates:
    • Proof of High School Graduation
    • High School Transcripts
  • General Equivalency Diploma Recipients:
    • GED Transcripts
  • Algebra 1 an entire year with a "C" or higher (Applicants who do not have a "C" or higher in high school or college algebra must meet the math requirement by alternate means.)
  • Resume (Resume should include any and all additional training, certificates, and coursework. Please provide copies of all certificates and cards of completion)
  • Veterans must include a copy of their DD214
  • Non- Refundable application processing fee of $50.00


Q. What are the minimum requirements to apply?

  • High School Diploma or GED
  • 18 years of age and up (You may be 17 years old with parental consent as long as you are able to provide your diploma and transcript.)
  • One year of HS Algebra or equivalent with a "C" or higher


Q. What if I do not meet the math requirement?

A. To meet the math requirement, you must take and pass one of the classes/courses listed below with an equivalent grade to “C” or better:

  • WorkKeys Level 4 Certification for Applied Math
    Locations offering WorkKeys Testing:
    ABC of Alaska
    Alaska Job Centers (locations vary statewide–Alaska Job Center Network )
    Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC) -


Q. How do I obtain my school transcripts?

A. You can reach out to your school district where you graduated from, and they should be able to provide you with direction on how to obtain the documents. (See below for some Alaska district links. We will add more as we find them.)


Q. What if I can't find my diploma?

A. As long as your transcript indicates that you had a graduation date and that a diploma was issued, we will accept that in its place.


Q. What approved apprenticeship programs does ABC of Alaska offer?

A. We offer: Electrical, Plumbing, Pipe Fitter, Sprinkler Fitter, Sheet Metal, Carpentry, Insulation, HVAC, Welding, and Mechanical Insulation. 

Q. What are the wages that I will be making?

A. Wages for the State of Alaska depends on your on-the-job hours and your level of related training instruction (bookwork).

Q. Do I need experience?

A. It is not necessary to have any experience. You will receive both On-the-Job-Training and book work instruction when you start your apprenticeship.


Q. When is the deadline for applications?

A. We accept applications throughout the year. 

Q. How long will it take to get into the program?

A. After you finish the interview process you will then be ranked in our applicant pool (waitlist). Being on the waitlist is different for all applicants. You can increase your ranking with any further education/ training certifications you receive.


Q. What type of training/certifications do companies look for?

A. OSHA (10 and 30), First Aid, CPR, Fork-lifting, NSTC, HAZWOPER, or any safety related training for construction


Q. Do I have to find my own work?

A. ABC Alaska is not a job placement center; we are a member-based apprenticeship program. However, if you are accepted into the program, you will be placed with one of our member companies for on-the-job training as apprentices are needed. We encourage applicants to do their own job search while on the waitlist.


Q. What if I am currently working for a contractor?

A. As long as all of the requirements are met, you will be placed on a waiting list for the next step of the application process. Once accepted, you will be placed with that company as an apprentice, as long as you are on the company’s payroll prior to entering the program. If the contractor is not a member of ABC Alaska, speak to your employer about becoming one. Otherwise, ABC will dispatch you to a member of ABC Alaska.


Q. How much does the program cost?

A. The only expense you will have will be tools for your selected trade and this can often be paid for with a grant through the State of Alaska.     It is possible to have a retake fee; when you take tests there will be a $30 retake for the first three attempts, after that it will increase $10 per retake.


Q. How long is the program?

A. Most of our programs are 4-year/8000-hour apprenticeships (Electrical, Plumbing, HVAC, Sheetmetal, Carpentry, Sprinkler Fitter, Welding). To reach journey-level you will need to complete all required hours and 5 levels of book work for your chosen trade. We do have a couple of programs that are in the 4000–6000-hour range and the bookwork is shorter as well (Craft Laborer, Painter, Mechanical Insulation).  

If all of your questions are not answered here, please contact our office at (907) 565-5600 or [email protected].